Sunday, June 30, 2019

Revival at Olive Grove G/B Church 6/26/19

We had another good service this evening! Great choir singing, great special singing & some good Preaching to feed a Christians soul! 
Bro. Arno Preached on needing to be faithful in our prayer, walk & desire to live for the Lord. John 4:43-53; Matt. 15:22-28; Mark 4:14-15; Jeremiah 6:16. 
Sometimes we allow Satan to come in & create doubt in our minds. Doubt will rob you of your faith & steal your joy. 
Praise the Lord when you’re going through a storm or through a valley. Everything around us may be falling apart but the word of God never waivers. Surrender our problems & give them to the Lord. Instead of standing before the Lord saying, “I wish I would’ve”, we need to be able to stand before him saying, “I’m glad I did.”

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Revival at Olive Grove G/B Church 6/25/19

We had another good service last night! The choir was full & sang beautifully. The special singing was good! Before the Preaching needs were already met at the altar. 
Bro. Arno Kranz Preached on “Looking to the Cross”. Luke 23:33-43; Isaiah 53:1-6; Matt. 20:18-19; John 15:13; 1John 1:7. 
Jesus paid our sin debt, it has been pain is full. When you feel like you don’t have a friend in the world, you have a friend in Jesus. Look to the place where the greatest battle ever has been fought. The freedom from sin, shed by the blood of Jesus. It washed away all the sins of mankind. Calvary is the place of power, power to make us clean. 
There are things we may be unsure about, but we need to KNOW that we are saved. Christ is the remedy for all that is wrong in the world. 

Monday, June 24, 2019

Revival at Olive Grove G/B Church 6/24/19

We had a great 1st night of Revival with Bro. Arno Kranz. We had roughly 50 there & a great service. The choir & special singing were beautiful. 
Bro Arno Preached in Mark 1: 40-45; John 3:37; James 4:10; Matt.28:18. He Preached about the miracles & healings Jesus did. The lives that he changed. Jesus can also change our lives if we’d let him. Jesus is wanting us to bring our needs to Him & give it all to him. If you need a miracle “He” is able. Jesus is saying “I Can” & “I Will”. 

Friday, June 21, 2019

Arise and Shine Through Service