Once again we had great choir singing & special singing. The last message Bro. Arno Preached on was how to resist the temptations of Satan. Luke 4; Ephesians 6 & Matt. 16:26.
The enemy is out there to destroy us. We need the Lords Spirit & Grace with us at all times. We need to be fasting, praying, trusting the Lord & keeping him #1 in all we do.
We need to be careful & not thing so highly of ourselves. Satan is out there to destroy our lives, pride goeth before a fall. If you stay around the sin & filth of the world it’ll have an effect on you!
Too many people underestimate the power of sin. In Ephesians 6, it says we need to keep the armor of God on so we can resist the wiles of the Devil. Ways to keep the armor on is with praying, fasting, reading the Bible, talking to Jesus everyday & keeping the Lord first in everything.
What a wonderful message to end the Revival!